Connecting Brands To Pan-African Storytellers Worldwide

Collaborative Pan-African Creativity

At AMAKA, we believe in the magic of collaboration. AMAKA Partnerships is your gateway to tapping into the incredible creativity of Pan-African creators. Whether you're a small business looking to source writers or a brand aiming to commission audiovisual content creators to amplify your campaign, we offer a streamlined process to select diverse content creators in your target market.

How AMAKA Partnerships Works

Step 1
Sign up as a Business

Create a business profile on AMAKA to connect with creators. On your profile, you can create, manage and publish multiple briefs and streamline communications with creators.  You are able to browse existing AMAKA creators, assessing their campaign reach across social media channels.

Step 2
Submit Your Project Brief

Share the details of your pitch through your dashboard. Whether it's a specific brief or an open call, share your objectives, budget, target region, and any cultural or regional nuances that are important for the brief.

Step 3
Connect with Talented Creators

Your brief will be shared with our extensive network of Pan-African creators that fit the Scope of work.  As our community of creators engages with your brief or open call, AMAKA will start receiving responses and pitches directly. These pitches will showcase their ideas, concepts, and proposals tailored to your project's requirements.

Step 4
Filter and Select the Best

We assist you in the selection process by filtering through the pitches. The AMAKA team and algorithm will identify the strongest pitches that align with your brand's goals, target demographic and cultural considerations, and storytelling needs. We will send these top selections in your dashboard for your final decision. You can also filter the pitches to your desired parameters

Step 5
Commission the chosen creator

Once you've chosen the ideal creator for your project, you can proceed to commission them directly through our platform. This ensures a seamless and secure process for both you and the creator. AMAKA takes a 15% commission from creators’ earnings.

Benefits of Partnering with Pan-African Creators

Unleash Unique Stories & Cultural Authenticity
Authenticity matters. Collaborating with Pan-African creators ensures your projects are rooted in the real experiences and traditions of diverse communities, enhancing your brand's credibility.  Partnering with them means telling stories that resonate and leave a lasting impact.
Targeted Storytelling
In the world of storytelling, precision is key. Set your vision, define your parameters, and connect with the perfect creator to bring your narrative to life in your target region.
Expand Your Reach
Diversify your audience and extend your brand's reach across borders. Pan-African creators have a local and global following eager to engage with fresh content.
Social Impact
By partnering with Pan-African creators, you contribute to positive social change. Collaborate on projects that empower communities, drive inclusivity, and make a difference.
View Case Study

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